Y ogiisanas, Bandha and Kriya 373
- Dwi Pada Vipar'ita Dandasana Twenty-four* (Plate 516)
Dwi Pada means both feet. Viparlta means reverse or inverted. Dar:�a
means staff or rod, a symbol, authority or punishment as well as the
body and its prostration. The Hindu devotee prostrates before the Lord
lying fiat upon the floor, face downwards with hands outstretched. The
Yogi on the other hand prostrates himself in the graceful inverted arch
described below.
Technique (For beginners)
- Lie fiat on the back. (Plate 21 9)
- Extend the arms over the head, bend the elbows and place the palms
underneath the shoulders, fingers pointing to the feet. Also bend and
raise the knees, bring the fe et near the hips and rest them on the floor.
(Plate 479)
3· Exhale and at the same time lift up the head and trunk and rest the
crown of the head on the floor. (Plate 480.) Take a few breaths.
4· Exhale, extend the legs, straighten them one by one bearing the
weight on the hands, head and neck. (Plate 514)
5· Take the left hand off the floor and place it behind the head, resting
the elbow on the floor. (Plate 51 5.) Take two breaths.
- Now remove the right hand from and place the elbow on the floor,
move the hand behind the head, interlock the fingers and rest the cupped
hands against the back of the head. This is the final position. (Plate (^5) I 6.)
In it the head and the hands will be in the same position as in Salamba
Slr�asana I. (Plate I 90)