374 Light on Yoga
- The diaphragm being contracted, breathing will be fast and short.
Take a few breaths, exhale and raise the shoulders as high as you can
above the floor, as also the chest, trunk, hips, thighs and calves. Stretch
the legs straight from the pelvis to the ankles. Dig the heels into the
floor and stay in this position to your capacity from one to two minutes.
8. Move the fe et towards the head, bend the knees, release the finger
lock, raise the head from the floor, lower the trunk and relax.
9· The neck, chest and shoulders should be fully extended and the
pelvic region raised as high as possible above the floor. To start with
the neck will not stay perpendicular to the floor as it should and there
will be a tendency for the head and fo rearms to slip away. So rest the
fe et against a wall and ask a friend to press down the elbows until the
distance between the feet and the head on the floor is properly adjusted
while the spine and legs are fully extended.