Y ogG.sanas, Bandha and Kriya 379
7· Stay in the pose from 10 to 15 seconds. Due to the contraction of
the abdominal muscles, breathing will be fast and laboured.
- Bring the left leg down to the floor.
9· Release the right ankle and catch the left one. Repeat the pose
described above, now raising the right leg up vertically. Stay in the
pose on the other side for the same length of time. Then lower the raised
(^10). Relea�e the ankle and with an exhalation swing both the legs up to
Salamba - Si'rsasana. I (Plate 190), then lower them to the floor and relax
or do Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and stand up in Ta<;tasana (Plate
- or move into Viparita Chakrasana. (Plates 488 to 499)
In this asana, the abdominal muscles are exercised and the spine is toned.
As the bending is more strenuous, the effect is correspondingly greater.
- Chakra Bandhasana Thirty-one* (Plate 524)
Chakra means a nerve centre, the fly-wheels in the machine, that is the
human body. Bandha means a fetter or a bond. The chakras are the