380 Light on Yoga
regions situated within the spinal column where the nasfis cross each
other. There are seven of them in the human body. They are (1)
Miiladhara Chakra (the pelvic plexus); (2) Svadhi��hana Chakra (the
hypogastric plexus); (3) Mar:tipiiraka Chakra (the solar plexus); (4)
Anahata Chakra (the <:_a rdiac plexus); (5) Visuddha Chakra (the
pharyngeal plexus); (6) Ajiia Chakra (the plexus of command between
the two eyebrows); and ( 7) Sahasrara Chakra (the thousand petalled
lotus, the upper cerebral centre). The chakras are subtle and not easily
cognisable. Though they are here compared to the various plexi, it
should not be taken for granted that the plexi alone are the chakras.
Te chnique
- Perform Dwi Pada Vipar!ta Dai).sfasana. (Plate^516 )
- Move both the feet towards the head with an exhalation.
3· Release the fingers, spread the wrists and rest the forearms on the
floor, fingers pointing to the feet. Take two breaths.
4· With an exhalation raise the head off the floor and extending the
neck towards the legs, bring both the feet nearer to the hands.
5· Then catch the right ankle with the right hand and the left ankle
with the left hand and rest the feet on the floor. Take two breaths. - Grip the ankles firmly and with an exhalation, press the feet and the
elbows to the floor and arch the trunk by stretching the shoulders and
the thighs. (Plate 524)