Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 381
7 · Stay in the pose from^10 to^15 seconds. Breathing will be fast.
- Release the grip on the ankles, rest the crown of the head on the
floor and interlock the fingers behind ' the head. Now with an exhalation
5wing the legs up to Salamba Sirsasana I (Plate 190) and then lower
them to the floor and relax or do Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and
perform Vipar1ta Chakrasana (Plates 488 to 499) or stand in Tadasana.
All the chakras are stimulated. The asana helps the adrenal glands to
function healthily. The rectum, kidneys, neck and eye muscles are
- Ma'Yfcfalasana Twenty-seven* (Plates 525 to 535)
Mandala.. means a wheel, a ring, , circumference or orbit. Keeping the
head and hands in Salamba S1r�asana I (Plate 190) circle round the head
:lockwise and then anti-clockwise. The movements of your feet will
then. form a circle,. ma�C;fala or orbit round your head which should
remam stationary.
- Perform Dwi Pada Vipar1ta Dandasana... (Plate 525)