382 Light on Yoga
- Without disturbing the head position, raise the shoulders and chest
as high as possible.
3· Move the legs sideways clockwise one after the other and so circle
round the head. When the legs come to the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock
positions, raise the opposite shoulder slightly, and lifting the chest up
and forward, rotate the trunk as shown in the plates. (Plates 525 to
535.) The spine is given a complete circular rotation of 360 degrees.
4· After completing the full circle clockwise, pause awhile and take a
few deep breaths. Then repeat the movement anti-clockwise following
the plates in the reverse order.
5· To get suffi cient elasticity it is necessary first to make the spine _s upple
by practising Viparita Chakrasana (Plates^488 to 499) in Urdhva
Dhanurasana. (Plate 486.) To start with the neck and shoulders sag
towards the floor. After they have gained sufficient strength and the
back has become elastic it is easier to perform this asana.