Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

388 Light on Yoga

abdomen is contracted. Try to maintain normal breathing and stay in
the pose as long as you can from 10 to 15 seconds.

  1. Then drop the legs to the floor beyond the head to perform Urdhva
    Dhanudisana (Plate 486) and either stand up in Tac;tasana (Plate 1) or
    perform Viparita Chakrasana. (Plates 488 to 499)
    7. To get relief from the strain on the back caused by Vrschikasana,
    bend forward and touch the palms on the floor without bending the
    knees - Uttanasana. (Plate 48)

The lungs expand fully while the abdominal muscles are stretched. The
entire spine is vigorously toned and remains healthy. The asana has also
psychological significance. The head which is the seat of knowledge and
power is also the seat of pride, anger, hatred, jealousy, intolerance and
malice. These emotions are more deadly than the poison which the
scorpion carries in its sting. The yogi, by stamping on his head with
his feet, attempts to eradicate these self-destroying emotions and pas­
sions. By kicking his head he seeks to develop humility, calmness and
tolerance and thus to be free of ego. The subjugation of the ego leads
to harmony and happiness.
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