Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

392 Light on Yoga

3· Stay in the pose for a few seconds. As the chest is fully extended
while the abdominal organs are contracted, breathing will be fast and

4· Release the ankle grip, straighten the back and rest for a while.
5· Repeat the pose on the other side for the same length oftime.

The pose is a counter movement of Janu Slr�asana (Plate I 27) and it
rejuvenates the lower region of the spine. In it more blood circulates
round the pubic region, keeping it in a healthy condition. By practising
this and other poses of the Rajakapotasana cycle, disorder of the urinary
system is rectified. The neck and shoulder muscles are exercised fu lly.
The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and gonads receive a rich supply
of blood and this increases one's vitality. This and other asanas of the
Rajakapotasana cycle are reGommended for controlling sexual desire.

I 86. Eka Piida Rajakapotiisana I I Twenty-nine* (Plate 545)


  1. Sit on the floor, with legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)

  2. Bend the right knee and place the sole and heel of the right foot fiat
    on the floor. The s.hin of the right leg will then be almost perpendicular
    to the floor and the calf will touch the back of the thigh. Place the
    right heel near the perineum. The right leg will now be in Marlchyasana
    I. (Plate I44)
    3· Take the left leg back and rest the entire length of it on the floor.

4· Bend the left leg at the knee until the left shin is perpendicular to the
floor. Balance the body on the right foot and the left knee. In order
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