Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 393
to balance push the right knee forward until the right thigh is parallel
to the floor and the shin is almost at an angle of 40 degrees to the floor.
5· With an exhalation, take the right arm over the head and grip the
left foot firmly with the right hand. Take a few breaths and after
exhaling again take the left arm over the head and catch the same foot
with the left hand as well. Rest the head on the foot. (Plate 545)
- Push the chest forward and hold the pose for about I 5 seconds.
7· Due to the extension of the chest and contraction of the abdomen
breathing will be fast. Try to keep it normal.
- Release the grip on the ankles and straighten the legs.
9· Repeat the ' pose on the other side. This time the left leg will be in
Marichyasana I, the right foot will be caught by the hands and the
balance maintained while the head rests on it. Hold the pose for the
same length of time on both sides.
ro. This asana is easier than the earlier one, once the difficulty of
balancing in it is overcome.
I 87. Eka Piida Riijakapotiisana II I Thirty* (Plate 546)
r. Sit on the floor, with both legs stretched straight in fr ont. (Plate 77)