Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya^399

the pelvic region and the thighs, instead of on the legs from the knees to
the toes.
7· Stretch the legs straight again. Let go of the knees and bring the
palms in front on the floor one by one. If both hands are released
simultaneously, due to the tension of the spine one is apt to fall on the
face and hurt oneself. After resting the palms one by one in front, rest
the chest on the floor and relax.

  1. If this is difficult, place the palms on the floor and rest the crown of
    the head on the feet. (Plate 552)

In Kapotasana (Plate 512) the lumbar region of the spine feels the
stretch. In Rajakapotasana on the other hand, both the lumbar and the
dorsal regions of the spine benefit by it. The neck and shoulder muscles
are fully stretched and exercised. As the weight of the body falls on the
pubic region, more blood circulates there so that the region is kept
healthy. The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are
massaged. The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and the gonads receive
a copious and rich supply of blood and this ensures increased vitality.
The asana is recommended for disorders of the urinary system. Along
with Kandasana (Plate 471) and Supta Trivikramasana (Plate 478)
Rajakapotasana is recommended for controlling sexual desire.

  1. Piidiiizgustha .. Dhanura,sana Forty-three* (Plate 555)
    Pada means the foot. Ailgustha means the big toe and dhanu a bow.
    This is an intensified version of Dhanurasana. (Plate 63)
    The body here resembles a taut bow from the shoulders to the

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