Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y og a.sanas, Bandha and Kriya. 403

abdominal aorta, blood circulates properly round the abdominal organs.
This keeps them healthy and improves the digestion. In this posture
the shoulder-blades are well stretched so that stiffness in the shoulders
is relieved. The most noticeable effect, however, is that throughout
the strenuous movements, the mind remains passive and still. This
asana helps to keep one trim and young in body, and fresh and alert
in mind.

  1. Gherar:cjasana I Forty-four* (Plates 561 and 562)
    Gheranda.. is the name of a sage, the author of the Gheranda Samhita,..
    to whom the asana is dedicated. The pose is a combination of
    Bhekasana (Plate 100) and Padailgu��ha Dhanurasana (Plate 555), the
    arm and leg of one side being in the position of the former asana, while
    the arm and leg of the other side are in the latter asana.


  1. Lie flat on the floor on the stomach, face downwards.

  2. Exhale, bend the left knee and move the left foot towards the left

3· Hold the sole of the left foot with the left hand. Take a few breaths.
Now rotate the left hand so that the palm touches the upper part of
the left foot and the toes and fingers point to the head.

4· Exhale and push the left foot down with the left hand to bring the
sole and heel closer to the ground. Lift the head and chest off the
floor. The left arm and leg are now in Bhekasana. (Plate 100.) Take a
few breaths.

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