Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 405

  1. Exhale, raise the right arm and leg up vertically without releasing
    the grip on the right big toe. (Plates 56I and 562.) The right arm and
    leg are now in Padangugha Dhanurasana. (Plate 555)

7· Stay in the position from I 5 to^20 seconds. Breathing will be fast
due to the pressure of the abdomen on the floor.

  1. Then exhale, stretch the neck and throw the head back. Bend the
    right elbow and knee, and pull the right leg down until the foot touches
    the left shoulder. (Plate 563)

9· Stay in this posture for a few seconds.
IO. With an exhalation come back to position 6. (Plate 56I)
I 1. Now release the feet, stretch the legs on the floor, lower the head
and chest and relax for a short time.
I 2. Repeat the pose, this time keeping the right arm and leg in
Bhekasana and the left arm and leg in Padailgu��ha Dhanurasana. Stay
for the same length of time in this position also. Follow the technique
given above, reading left for right and vice versa.
I93· Gherar;cJasana II Forty-six* (Plates 564 and 565)
In this asana, the arm and leg of one side are in Baddha Padmasana

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