406 Light on Yoga
(Plate u8), while the arm and leg of the other side are m Padail
gu��ha Dhanurasana. (Plate 555)
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77.)
Place the right foot at the root of the left thigh and then lie fiat on
the back. - Now roll over on the stomach without disturbing the position of
the right foot. Exhale, and moving the right arm from the shoulder
behind the back, catch the right big toe with the right hand. The right
arm and leg are now in Baddha Padmasana. (Plate II8.) Take a few
breaths and lift the head and chest off the floor.
3· Exhale, bend the left knee and catch the left big toe with the left
hand. Rotate the left arm and shoulder and without releasing the grip
on the toe lift the left arm and leg up until they are in Padailgustha
Dhanurasana. (Plates 564 and 565)
4· Stay in the posmon for^15 seconds. Breathing will be fast and
laboured due to the pressure of the abdomen against the floor.
5· Then exhale, stretch the neck and throw the head back, bend the