408 Light on Yoga
9· Repeat the pose on the other side for the same length of time. The
left arm and leg will now be in Baddha Padmasana, while the right
arm and leg will be in Padangu��ha Dhanurasana. Follow the technique
stated above, reading left for right and vice versa.
All the vertebrae benefit from the intense stretch and the whole body
becomes more supple. The abdominal area near the navel bears the
weight of the body and, due to the pressure on the abdominal aorta,
blood circulates properly in that region thus keeping the abdominal
organs healthy. This improves the digestion. The shoulder-blades are
fully extended so that stiffness in the shoulder joints is relieved.
The pose makes the knees firm and relieves pain in the knee joints
due to rheumatism or gout. The pressure of the hands on the feet
corrects the arches and helps to cure fiat feet. The pose strengthens
the ankle joints, relieves pain in the heels and helps persons suffering
from calcaneal spurs.
- Kapinjaliis ana Forty-three* (Plate 567)
Kapinjala is a kind of partridge, the Chataka bird which is supposed
to live only on raindrops and dew.
The pose is a combination of Vasisthanasana (Plate 398) and
Padangu��ha Dhanurasana (Plate 555) and is a difficult one to master.
- Stand in Ta�asana. (Plate 1.) Bend forward, rest the palms on the
floor and move the legs back about 4 to 5 feet as if performing Adho
Mukha Svanasana. (Plate 75) - Turn the whole body sideways to the right and balance it on the
right palm and foot. The outer side of the right foot should rest firmly
on the ground.
3· Place the left foot over the right foot, rest the left palm on the left
hip and balance, without moving the body. (Plate 396.) The right side
of the body is in Vasi��hasana.
4· Exhale, bend the left leg at the knees and catch the left big toe
firmly between the thumb and the index and middle fingers of the left
5· Rotate the left elbow and shoulder and stretch the left arm and leg
behind the back to form a bow, without releasing the grip on the left
big toe. (Plate 567.) The left arm and leg are now in Padangu��ha
D han urasana.