Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya^409
- Balance for a few seconds, keeping the right arm and leg rigid and
also maintaining the grip of the left hand on the left big toe. As the
spine, chest, neck and shoulders are fully stretched and the abdomen
is contracted, breathing will be laboured.
7· Release the grip on the left big toe, straighten the left leg and place
the left foot over the right foot and the left hand on the left hip. Rest
both palms and feet on the floor as in position I above. Then repeat
the pose on the other side for the same length of time. The left side
of the body will now be in Vasi��hasana (Plate 398) while the right
side will be in Padailgu��ha Dhanurasana. (Plate 555.) Follow the tech
nique given above, reading left for right and vice versa.
In this posture the wrists are strengthened and the shoulder-blades
fully exercised so that stiffness in the shoulder joints is relieved. The
legs are toned and all the vertebrae benefit. The chest expands fully
and the abdominal muscles become powerful. The asana helps to keep
the whole body in good condition.
- Sfr�a Padosana Fifty-two* (Plate 570)
S1rsa means the head and pada the foot. This is the hardest of all the
back-bending poses and is practised while balancing on the head in
S1r�asana. (Plate 190.) Here the back is arched after the head stand
and the feet are brought down until the heels rest on the back of the
neck and the big toes are caught by the hands and made to touch the
back of the head.