Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1


Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 411

In addition to the effects of Sirsasana I (Plate 190), all the vertebrae
are exercised in this asana. As the blood supply to the spine is
increased, the nerves do not degenerate. The abdominal organs are also
toned by the stretch.

  1. GarJcf.a BherurJcf.Zisana Fifty-six* (Plates 580 and 581)
    Ga�<:ia means the cheek, the whole side of the face including the
    temple. Bherunda means terrible, formidable; it is also a species of
    bird. This difficult back-bending posture is given below in two stages.

I. Fold a blanket on the floor and lie on it fu ll length on the stomach,
face down with the hands stretched back. Stretch the neck and rest the
chin firmly on the blanket, otherwise it will scrape on the floor.

  1. Bend the elbows, place the hands by the chest, fingers pointing in
    the direction of the head. Bend the knees and move the feet towards
    the chest, which will be lifted slightly off the floor. (Plate 571)

3· Exhale, press the palms to the floor, kick the legs and stretch them
straight. (Plate 572.) The chin, neck, arms and upper ribs are the only
parts of the body touching the blanket on the floor.
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