Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

4I6 Light on Yoga

I 1. Place the palms on t�e floor, roll the body over the chin (Plates
582 and 583), move into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and stand
up in Ta�asana (Plate I) and relax or practise Viparlta Chakrasana.
(Plates 488 to 499)

Apart from toning the entire spine and abdominal organs, the asana
stimulates the nerve centres in Miiladhara Chakra (the pelvic plexus),
Svadhighana Chakra (the hypo-gastric plexus) and Visuddhi Chakra
(the pharyngeal plexus) and the glands situated there. Due to the copious
supply of blood to these glands, their functioning improves and this
leads to increased vitality.
I97· Vipar"ita Salabhasana Fifty-eight* (Plate 584)
Viparlta means reverse, opposite or inverted. Salabha is a locust. The
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