4I8 Light on Yoga
Ta�asana (Plate I) or with an exhalation do Vipar'ita Chakrasana
(Plates 488 to 499) and relax.
The effects of this asana are the same as those of Ganda.. Bherund-..
as ana. (Plates 5 8o and 58 I.) The purpose of these two asanas is to
awaken Ku��alin'i the Divine Cosmic Energy in our bodies, symbolised
by a coiled and sleeping serpent lying dormant in the lowest nerve
centre at the base of the spine. The Yogi makes a conscious effort to
arouse this latent Energy and lead it up the spine to the brain (the
Sahasrara or thousand-petalled lotus in the upper cerebral centre) and
then he submerges his ego by concentrating upon the Divine Source
of all energy in order to be released from worldly bondage. 'As rivers
flow into the sea and so lose name and form, even so the wise man,
freed from name and form, attains the Supreme Being, the Self
Luminous, the Infinite.'
I98. Tiriang Mukhottanosana Sixty* (Plate 586)
Tiriang means oblique, transverse, horizontal, reverse or upside down.
Mukha means the face and also chief, principal or prominent. Uttana
is a deliberate or an intense stretch. In this back-bending posture the
head is upside down with an intense stretch on arms, legs and the
entire trunk.
- Stand in Ta�asana. (Plate 1.) Spread the legs a foot apart and rest
the palms on the hips. - Push the pelvic region slightly forward (Plate 483), exhale and curve
the trunk back so that the weight of the body is felt on the thighs
and feet. (Plate 484)
3· Raise the arms above the head and drop the hands to the floor. (Plate
485.) Immediately straighten the arms at the elbows and rest the
palms on the floor. This is now Urdhva Dhanurasana. (Plate 486)
4· Without moving the heels, widen the distance between the toes, so
that the feet will be at an angle instead of parallel to each other.
5· Exhale, stretch the trunk as high as you can above the floor and
bring the hands closer and closer to the feet. Stretch the head and
neck as far back as possible and touch the feet with the hands. (Plate
585.) Take a few breaths which will be fast and laboured due to the
intense stretch of the abdomen, chest and back.