Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
420 Light on Yoga

is the Tal)9ava, the cosmic dance of destruction, in which Siva, full of
fury at his father-in-law Dak�a for killing his beloved spouse Sat'i,
surrounded by his attendants (ganas), beats out a wild rhythm, destroys
Dak�a and threatens the world. Siva, as Lord of the Dance, has inspired
some of the finest Indian sculptures and South Indian bronzes.
This vigorous and beautiful pose is dedicated to Siva, Lord of the
Dance, who is also the fountain and source of Yoga.

r. Stand in Ta�asana. (Plate r.) Stretch the left arm out in front keep­
ing it parallel to the floor.

  1. Bend the right knee and lift up the right foot. Hold the right big
    toe between the thumb and the index and middle fingers of the right
    hand. Bend the lifted right knee and draw the leg up and back. (Plate

3· Roll the fingers and thumb of the right hand round the right big
toe. Simultaneously rotate the right elbow and shoulder and stretch
the right arm up behind the head, without releasing the grip on the
big toe. (Plate 588.) Again pull the right arm and leg up so that they
form a bow behind the back. (Plate 589.) The right thigh will be
parallel to the floor and the right shin perpendicular to it. (Plates 590
and 591)

4· Bring the left arm straight in front level with the shoulder, keeping
the fingers pointing fo rward.
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