Prar)ayama 439
The human body is a miniature universe in itself. Hatha • • is composed
of the syllables ha and ��a which mean the sun and the moon respec-
tively. The solar and the lunar energy is said to flow through the two
main na�is, Piilgala and I�a, which start from the right and the left
nostrils respectively and move down to the base of the spine. Piilgala is
the nadi of the sun,. while the Ida is. the nadi. of the moon. In between
them is the Susumna,.. the nadi of. fire. As stated earlier, Susumna.. Nadi.
is the main channel for the flow of nervous energy, and it is situated
inside the meru-da��a or spinal column. Piilgala and I�a intersect each
other and also Su�umt:la at various places. These junctions are called
chakras or wheels and regulate the body mechanism as fly-wheels
regulate an engine.
The main chakras are: MUladhara Chakra which is situated in the
pelvic region above the anus (mUla= root, cause, source : adhara =sup
port, or vital part) ; Svadhisthiina Chakra above the organs of generation
(sva =vital force, soul : adhisth.. ana =seat or abode); Manipiiraka. Chakra
is the navel (maz:tipiira =navel); the Manas and the Siirya Chakras
between the navel and the heart (manas =mind: siirya =sun); Anahata
Chakra in the cardiac region (anahata = !_?.eart); Visuddha Chakra in the
pharyngeal region (visuddha =pure) ; Ajiia Chakra between the eye
brows (ajiia=command); the Sahasrara Chakra, which is called the
thousand-petalled lotus, in the cerebral cavity; and Lala�a Chakra which
is at the top of the forehead (laHi�a =forehead).
It may be that these chakras correspond to the endocrine glands,
which supply hormones and other internal secretions to the system. The
Miiladhara and the Svadhi��hana Chakras perhaps correspond to the
gonads (the testicles, penis and prostate in males and the ovaries, uterus
and vagina in females). In between these two chakras is the seat of the
genitals, known as Kamariipa after Kama the god of passion and love.
The abdominal organs like the stomach, spleen, liver and pancreas
perhaps correspond to the Maz:tipiiraka Chakra. The two adrenals may
stand for the Siirya and Manas Chakras. The Anahata Chakra is the
heart and the main blood vessels around it. The Vi�uddha Chakra may
be the thyroid, parathyroid and the thymus. The Ajiia, Sahasrara and
Lalata Chakras may be the brain matter and the pitutiary and pineal
According to the Tantric texts the object of Pranayama is to arouse
Kundalin1,.. the divine cosmic force in our bodies. Kundalin1.. is sym-
bolised as a coiled and sleeping serpent lying dormant in the lowest nerve
centre at the base of the spinal column, the MUladhara Chakra. This
latent energy has to be aroused and made to go up the spinal column
piercing the chakras up to the Sahasrara (the thousand-petalled lotus in
the head, the network of nerves in the brain) and there to unite with