Prar.tayama 457
Viloma PraJ)ayama in the first stage helps those suffering from low
blood pressure. In the second stage it benefits persons suffering from
high blood pressure.
I. The second stage of Viloma should only be done when lying down
by persons suffering from high blood pressure.
- Those suffering from heart complaints should not attempt it until
they have mastered the Na�'i Sodhana and Ujjayi PraJ)ayamas.
214. Anuloma Pra1J.ayama
Anu means with, along with or connected: also in an orderly succes
sion. Anuloma, therefore, means in regular gradation, with the hair
(loma=hair), along the grain or in natural order. In Anuloma
Praf)ayama, inhalation is done through both nostrils and exhalation
alternately through either nostril.
I. Sit - in any comfortable positiOn like Padmasana (Plate 104),
Siddhasana (Plate 84) or Virasana (Plate 89).
- Keep the back erect and rigid. Lower the head to the trunk and
rest the chin in the notch between the collar-bones just above the
breast-bone. (This is the Jalandhara Bandha.) - Inhale deeply through both nostrils as in Ujjayi until the lungs are
fully filled. - Hold the breath after inhalation Cantara kumbhaka) from 5 to 10
seconds according to capacity, maintaining Miila Bandha (see p. 437).
5· Bring the right hand to the nose as described in Siirya Bhedana
Pranayama, • relax the Miila Bandha and exhale slowly from the partially
opened right nostril, keeping the left one completely blocked. Com-
pletely empty the lungs and then lower the hand.
- Inhale through both nostrils, until the lungs are filled as in para. 3·
7· Hold the breath after inhalation (antara kumbhaka) from 5 to 10
seconds according to capacity, maintaining Miila Bandha. The reten
tion of breath described in para. 4 and in this para. should be of equal
- Again bring the right hand to the nose. Release the Miila Bandha
and close the right nostril completely. Now keep the left nostril