458 Light on Yoga
partially open, and exhale slowly and deeply to empty the lungs
9· This completes one cycle of Anuloma PraJ?ayama.
Io. Do 5 to 8 cycles at a stretch.
I I. Then lie down in Savasana. (Plate 592)
The effects are the same as those of Ujjayi, Nadl Sodhana and Siirya
I. In Anuloma PdiJ?ayama, the exhalation lasts longer than the
inhalation. This leads to a variation in the rhythm of breathing. This
is difficult and should therefore be done by advanced pupils only.
- Persons suffering from blood pressure or heart ailments and nervous
disorders should not attempt it as the results may be disastrous.
2 I 5. Pratiloma Pranayama
Prati means opposite. This type of PdiJ?ayama is the converse of
Anuloma. In it inhalation is alternate through either nostril and then
exhalation is through both nostrils as in Ujjayi.
r. Sit in any comfortable posltlon like Padmasana (Plate 104),
Siddhasana (Plate 84) or Vlrasana (Plate 89).
- Keep the back erect and rigid. Lower the head to the trunk. Rest
the chin in the notch between the collar-bones just above the breast
bone. This is the Jalandhara Bandha.
3· Stretch the left arm. Rest the back of the left wrist on the left
knee. Perform the Jiiana Mudra with the left hand (see 203, 3).
4· Bend the right arm at the elbow, and the index and middle fingers
towards the palm, keeping them passive. Bring the ring and little
fingers towards the thumb. (Plate 598)
s. Place the right thumb on the right side of the nose just below the
nasal bone and the ring and little fingers on the left side of the nose
just below the nasal bone, just above the curve of the fatty tissue of
the nostrils.
- Press the ring and little fingers to block the left side of the nose