Pra1;1ayama 459
7· With the right thumb, press the right side of the fatty tissue so
as to make the outer edge of the nostril parallel to the lower edge of
the cartilage of the septum.
- The right thumb is bent at the top joint and the tip of the thumb
is placed at a right angle to the septum. (Plate 599)
9· Now inhale slowly and deeply, controlling the aperture of the right
nostril with the tip of the thumb nearer the nail. Fill the lungs to the
brim (puraka).
IO. Then block the right nostril so that both the nostrils are now
· blocked.
I 1. Hold the breath for about 5 to IO seconds (antara kumbhaka)
and stay in Miila Bandha (see p. 437).
I2. Lower the right hand. Release the Miila Bandha grip. Exhale
slowly and deeply as in Ujjayi (203) until the lungs are completely
I3. Again raise the right hand t9 the nose. Inhale through the partially
opened left nostril slowly and deeply, keeping the right nostril com
pletely closed.
I4. Fill the lungs to the brim.
I5. Hold the breath with the Miila Bandha grip from 5 to IO seconds.
The retention of breath (an tara kumbhaka) after inhalation from either
nostril should be of equal duration.
I 6. Lower the right hand, release the Miila Bandha, exhale slowly and
deeply, completely expelling all air from the lungs as in Ujjayi.
I7. This completes one cycle of Pratiloma Pra�ayama.
I 8. Do^5 to 8 cycles at a stretch.
I9. Then lie down in Savasana. (Plate 592)
The effects are the same as those of Ujjayi, Na91 Sodhana and Siirya
Bhedana Pra�ayama.
I. Here, as in Anuloma, there is variation in the breath rhythm as the
inhalation is longer than the exhalation. This difficult type of
pra�ayama should, therefore, only be done by advanced pupils.