Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
468 Appendix I

Do Antarkumbhaka (inhalation retention) only when you have
mastered the art of deep inhalation and deep exhalation without any
Do not do the asanas and Pr�ayama together. You may feel the strain
and the fatigue.
If you do Pranayama • in the mornings, then asanas can be done in the
evenings or half an hour after the asanas.
Never do asanas immediately after Pranayama, • but one can practise
Pranayama • after asanas if one is still fresh.
Those who wish to prostrate to the sun (siiryanamaskar) and to
develop the arms and chest, can do the following asanas in sequence at
first for six rounds, increasing the number according to capacity.




Ta9asana (I)
Uttanasana (47 and 48) and jump to,

Chaturanga Dandasana (66 and 67)
Urdhva Mukha

Svanasana (74) and
go back to,
Chaturanga Dandasana '. (67)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (75) and from
here jump to,
Uttanasana (47 and 48) and then
back to,
Ta9asana (I)

Method of breathing
Exhalation, inhalation
(Plate 47)

Exhale, inhale



Important Cz.sanas in Course I

Utthita TrikoJ;Iasana (4 and 5); Parivrtta TrikoJ;Iasana (6 and 7); Utthita
Parsvakonasana. (8 and 9) ; Parivrtta. Par8vakonasana. (Io and II);
Virabhadrasana I & III (I4 and I7); Ardhachandrasana (19); Parsvot-
tanasana (26); Pra�arita Padottanasana I (33 and 34); Ustrasana (4I);
Uttanasana , (48); Salabhasana (6o) ; Dhanurasana (63); Adho Mukha
Svanasana (75); Paripooma Navasana (78); Ardha Navasana (79);
Siddhasana (84); Virasana

(89); Baddha KoJ;Iasana (I02); Padmasana
(104) ;Matsyasana , (I I3); Janusfrsasana. (I27); Paschimottanasana (I6o);
Salamba S1r�asana I (I84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (223); Halasana
(244); Marlch�asana III (303 and 304); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3 I I
and 3I2); and Savasana (592).
If these asanas are mastered then the others given in this course will
come even without regular practice.
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