Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Appendix I 47I

Do Na�n Sodhana (Section 205) with Antara Kumbhaka or inhalation
rete�tion for IO minutes, Bhastrika (Section 206) for 3 minutes and
U 991yana (Plates 593, 594) 8 times.

5 ISt to 54th week

Do the important asanas of Course I and perfect the poses in Course II.
Some will be mastered quickly, but others will take longer. Adjust,
therefore, to your own convenience.

55th to 6oth week
Slr�asana and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Sarvangasana and cycle ( 2 34 to 2 7 I
except 267); Jatara Parivartanasana (275); Supta Padangughasana (285
to 287); Anantasana (290); Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (276 to 279);
Paschimottanasana (I6o); Parivrtta Paschimottanasana (I65); Urdhva
Mukha Paschimottanasana I (I6S); .Akar:r:ta Dhanurasana (I73 and I75);
Bhujapi"dasana (348); Kiirmasana (363 and 364); Supta Kiirmasana
(368); Ekapada Sirsasana (37I); Padmasana cycle (I04 to I20) and
Supta Vaj rasana (I 24); Bhekasana (I oo); Baddha Konasana ( 102);
Mar!chyasana III (303 and 304) ; Ardha Matsyendrasan·a I (311 and
3I2); Malasana I (32I); P�sasana (328 and 329); Uttanapadasana (292);
Setubandhasana (296); Urdhva Dhanurasana II (486) twelve times
following the technique I I in the section on the asana; Uttanasana (48);
Savasana (592); Pranayama • as mentioned above and start meditation in
Siddhasana (84), Vlrasana (89), Baddha Konasana (I03) or Padmasana

6rst to 65th week
S'ir�asana and cycle (I84 to 218). If • the Salamba S!rsasana • II & III
(192, 194 ' and 195), Baddha Hasta Sirsasana. (198) and Mukta Hasta
Slr�asana (2oo and 20I) are mastered, they can be dropped as daily
practices but should be done once in a while so that the balance is not
lost. Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27I except 267); Ja�ara Parivartan­
asana (275); Supta Padangusthasana.. (285 to 287); Anantasana -(290);
Paschimottanasana (I6o); Pariv�tta Paschimottanasana (I65); Akarlfa
Dhanurasana (I73 and I75); Kiirmasana (363 and 364); Supta Kurm­
asana (368); Ekapada Si"r�asana (3.71); Skandasana (372); Bhujapi"dasana
(348); Astavakrasana .. (342 and 343); Ekahasta Bhujasana (344); Dwihasta
Bhujasana (345); Adhomukha V�k�asana (359-against the wall); Pad-
masana cycle (I04 to 124); Mari"chyasana III (303 and 304) ; Ardha
Matsyendrasana I (311 and 3I2); Pas�sana (328 and 329); Uttanapad­
asana (292); Setubandhasana (296); Urdhva Dhanuras�na for I2 to I5
times as stated in the 55th week; Uttanasana (48); Savasana (592).
Follow the PraJ?ayama as stated previously and increase the length of
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