Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Appendix I 475

Paschimottanasana I (I68) for I minute; ParipooriJ.a Navasana (78) for
I minute; Ardha Navasana (79) for 30 seconds; Supta VIrasana (96) for
3 to 5 minutes; Krounchasana (I4I and I42) for 20 seconds each side;
Kiirmasana and Supta Kiirrn.asana (363-4 and 368) for I minute each;
Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3II and 3I2) for 30 seconds each side;
Pasasana(328and329)for I minuteoneach side;Adhomukha - Vrksasana..
(359) for I minute; Mayiirasana (354) for I minute; Urdhva Dhanur-
asana ' (486) for 6 times, each time staying for 20 to 30 seconds;
Savasana (592) for IO to I 5 minutes.
(Wherever the time is not given, it should be done according to one's
capacity and the time at one's disposal.)

Seventh day of the week
You can rest or do only Pranayama. of all types. Uddiyana.. ·csection 20I)
and Nauli (Section 202) for 8 times each.
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