Glossary 5 I 7
One who is constantly moving ( charin) in Brahman
(the Supreme Spirit); one who sees divinity in all.
A life of celibacy, religious study and self-restraint.
The Supreme Being, the cause of the universe, the
all-pervading spirit of the universe.
The cosmic breath.
A Brahmin sage.
Intellect, reason, discrimination, judgement.
Literally, a wheel or circle. Energy (praJ:?a) is said to
flow in the human body through three main channels
(nad'is), • namely, Susumna, • • Pingala and Ida. Susumna • •
is situated inside the spinal column. Pingala and Ida
start respectively from the right and left nostrils,
move up to the crown of the head and course down
wards to the base of the spine. These two nac;lls
intersect with each other and also the Susumna...
These junctions of the nac;t'is are known as chakras or
the fly-wheels which regulate the body mechanism.
The important chakras are: (a) Miiladhara (miila=
root, source; adhara =support, vital part) situated in
the pelvis above the anus; (b) Svadhi��ana (sva=
vital force, soul; adhighana=seat or abode) situ
ated above the organs of generation; (c) MaJ:?ipiiraka
(manipiira=navel) situated in the navel; (d) Manas
(mind) and (e) Siirya (the Sun), which are situated in
the region between the navel and the heart; (f)
Anahata ( _unbeaten) situated in the cardiac area;
(g) Visuddha (=pure) situated in the pharyngeal re
gion; (h) Ajiia (= command) situated between the eye
brows; (i) Sahasrara (= thousand), which is call�d the
thousand-petalled lotus in the cerebral cavity; and (j)
Lala�a (= forehead) which is atthe top of the forehead.
The binding or sealing posture where all the chakras
are exercised.
The moon.
The number four.
A place of pilgrimage in South India. (Chit= con
sciousness, ambara=atmosphere or dress.) A name
of God, who covers all with His consciousness.
The mind in its total or collective sense, being com
posedofthree categories: (a) Mind, having the faculty