Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Hints and Cautions for the Practice of

The requ£sites

  1. Without firm foundations a house cannot stand. Without the practice
    of the principles of yama and niyama, which lay down firm foundations
    for building character, there cannot be an integrated personality. Practice
    of asanas without the backing of yama and niyama is mere acrobatics.

  2. The qualities demanded from an aspirant are discipline, faith, �enaci ty
    and perseverance to practise regularly without interruptions.

Cleanliness andfood

(^3) · Before starting to practise asanas, the bladder should be emptied and
the bowels evacuated. Topsy-turvy poses help bowel movements. If the
student is constipated or it is not possible to evacuate the bowels before
the practice of asanas, start with Slr�asana and Sarvangasana and their
variations. Attempt other asanas only after evacuation. Never practise
advanced asanas without having first evacuated the bowels.

  1. Asanas come easier after taking a bath. After doing them, the body
    feels sticky due to perspiration and it is desirable to bathe some fifteen
    minutes later. Taking a bath or a shower both before and after practising
    asanas refreshes the body and mind.

5· Asanas should preferably be done on an empty stomach. If this is
difficult, a cup of tea or coffee, cocoa or milk may be taken before doing
them. They may be practised without discomfort one hour :�fter a very
light meal. Allow at least four hours to elapse after a heavy meal before
starting the practice. Food may be taken half an hour after completing
the asanas.


  1. The best time to practise is either early in the morning or late in the
    evening. In the morning asanas do not come easily as the body is stiff.
    The mind, however, is still fresh but its alertness and determination

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