58 Light on Yoga
diminish as time goes by. The stiffness of the body is conquered by
regular practice and one is able to do the asanas well. In the evening,
the body moves more freely than in the mornings, and the asanas come
better and with greater ease. Practice in the morning makes one work
better in one's vocation. In the evening it removes the fatigue of the
day's strain and makes one fresh and calm. Difficult asanas should,
therefore, be done in the morning ' when one has more determination and
stimulative asanas (like Sir�asana, Sarvangasana and their variations and
Paschjmottanasana) should be practised in the evening.
- Do not practise asanas after being out in the hot sun for several hours.
- They should be done in a clean airy place, free from insects and noise.
9· Do not do them on the bare floor or on an uneven place, but on a
folded blanket laid on a level floor.
IO. No undue strain should be felt in the facial muscles, ears and eyes
or in breathing during the practice.
Closing of the eyes
I I. In the beginning, keep the eyes open. Then you will know what
you are doing and where you go wrong. If you shut your eyes you will
not be in a position to watch the requisite movements of the body or even
the direction in which you are doing the pose. You can keep your eyes
closed only when you are perfect in a particular asana for only then will
you be able to adjust the bodily movements and feel the correct stretches.
I2. If you are doing the asanas in front of a mirror, keep it perpendicular
to the floor and let it come down to ground level, for otherwise the poses
will look slanting due to the angle of the mirror. You will not be able
to observe the movements or placing of the head and shoulders in the
topsy-turvy poses unless the mirror reaches down to the floor.
The Brain
I3. During the practice of asanas, it is the body alone which should
be active while the brain should remain passive, watchful and alert. If
they are done with the brain, then you will not be able to see your own