Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 59

I4. In all the asanas, the breathing should be done through the nostrils
only and not through the mouth.
I 5· Do not restrain the breath while in the process of the asana or while
staying in it. Follow the instructions regarding breathing given in the
technique sections of the various asanas as described hereafter.
Savas ana
I 6. After completing the practice of asanas always lie down in Savas ana
for at least IO to I5 minutes, as this will remove fatigue.

Asanas and

  1. Read carefully the hints and cautions for the practice of pranayama •
    before attempting it (see Part Ill). Pranayama may be done either very
    early in the morning before the asanas or in the evening after completing
    them. If early in the morning, pranayama may be done first for I 5 to 30
    minutes: then a few minutes of S�vasana, and after allowing some time
    to elapse, during which one may be engaged in normal activities, practise
    asanas. If, however, these are done in the evening, allow at least half an
    hour to elapse before sitting for praJ;J.ayama.

Special provisions for persons suffering from dizziness or blood pressure
I 8. Do not start with S'ir�asana and Sarvangasana if you suffer from
dizziness or high blood pres�ure. First practise Paschimottanasana
Uttanasana' , and Adhomukha Svanasana before attempting topsy-turvy
poses like S1r�asana and Sarvangasa�a and after doing these poses repeat
Paschimottanasana, Adhomukha Svanasana and Uttanasana in that
I 9· All forward bending poses are beneficial for persons suffering from
either high or low blood pressure.

Special warning for persons affe cted by pus in the ears or displaced retina

  1. Those suffering from pus in the ears or displacement of the retina
    should not attempt topsy-turvy poses.

Special provisions for women

  1. Menstruation: Avoid asanas during the menstrual period. But if the
    flow is in excess , of normal, U pavistha It • Konasana, • Baddha Konasana, •
    V1rasana, Janu S1r�asana, Paschimottanasana and Uttanasana may be
    performed with beneficial effect. On no account stand on your head
    during the menstrual period.

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