Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
6o Light on Yoga


  1. All the asanas can be practised during the first three months of
    pregnancy. All the standing poses and the forward bending asanas may
    be done with mild movements, for at this time the spine should be made
    strong and elastic and no pressure should be fe lt on the abdomen.
    Baddha Kol)asana and Upavigha Kol)asana may be practised through­
    out pregnancy at any time of the day (even after meals, but not forward
    bending immediately after meals) as these two asanas will strengthen
    the pelvic muscles and the small of the back and also reduce labour pains
    considerably. Pr3J)3yarna without retention (kurnbhaka) may be practised
    throughout pregnancy, as regular deep breathing will help considerably
    during labour.

After delivery

  1. No asanas should be done during the first month after delivery.
    Thereafter they may be practised mildly. Gradually increase the course
    as mentioned in Appendix I. Three months after delivery all asanas may
    be practised with comfort.

Effects of asanas

  1. Faulty practice causes discomfort and uneasiness within a few days.
    This is sufficient to show that one is going wrong. If you c�mnot nne
    the fault for yourself, it is better to approach a person who h::ts practis�r:
    well and get his guidance.

  2. The right method of doing asanas brings lightness and an exhilarat­
    ing feeling in the body as well as in the mind and a fe eling of oneness of
    body, mind and soul.

  3. Continuous practice will change the outlook of the practiser. He
    will discipline himself in food, sex, cleanliness and character and will
    become a new man.

  4. When one has mastered an asana, it comes with effortless ease and
    causes no discomfort. The bodily. movements become graceful. While
    performing asanas, the student's body assumes numerous forms of life
    found in creation-from the lowliest insect to the most perfect sage-and
    he learns that in all these there breathes the same Universal Spirit-the
    Spirit of God. He looks within himself while practising and feels the
    presence of God in different asanas which he does with a sense of sur­
    render unto the feet of the LORD.

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