64 Light on Yoga
(^4 5)
outstretched left hand. Keep the right knee locked tight by pulling up
the knee-cap and keep the right knee facing the toes.
- Remain in this position from half a minute to a minute, breathing
deeply and evenly. Then lift the right palm from the floor. Inhale and
return to position 2 above.
7· Now, turn the left foot sideways 90 degrees to the left, turn the right
foot slightly to the left, keep both knees tight and continue from position
2 to 6, reversing all processes. Inhale and come to position 2. Hold the
posture for the same length of time on the left side.
- Exhale, and jump, coming back to Ta�asana. (Plate I)
This asana tones up the leg muscles, removes stiffness in the legs and
hips, corrects any minor deformity in the legs and allows them to develop
evenly. It relieves backaches and neck sprains, strengthens the ankles
and develops the chest.
4· Parivr:tta TrikorJasana Five* (Plates 6 and 7)
Pariv�tta means revolved, turned round or back. Trikoifa is a triangle.
This is the revolving triangle posture. It is a counter pose to Uttihita
TrikoJ:?.asana. (Plate 4)