Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 65
- Stand in Ta<;fasana. (Plate 1.) Take a deep inhalation and with a jump
spread the legs apart sideways 3 to 3! feet. Raise the arms sideways, in
line with the shoulders, palms facing down. (Plate 3)
- Tum the right foot sideways 90 degrees to the right. Turn the left
foot 6o degrees to the right, keeping the left leg stretched out and
tightened at the knee.
3· Exhale, rotate the trunk along with the left leg in the opposite direc
tion (to the right) so as to bring the left palm on the floor near the outer
side of the right foot.
4· Stretch the right arm up, bringing it in line with the left arm. Gaze
at the right thumb. (Plates 6 and 7)
5· Keep the knees tight. Do not lift the toes of the right foot from the
floor. Remember to rest the outer side of the left foot well on the floor.
- Stretch both the shoulders and shoulder-blades.
7. Stay in this pose for half a minute with normal breathing.
8. Inhale, lift the left hand from the floor, rotate the trunk back to its
original position and come back to position 1.