68 Light on Yoga
- Parivrtta Piir5vakorJiisana Eight* (Plates 10 and I 1)
Pariyrtta means revolved, turned round or back. Parsva means side or
flank. Kox:ta is an angle. This is the revolving lateral angle posture.
- Stand in Ta<;iasana. (Plate I)
- Take a deep inhalation, and with a jump spread the legs apart
sideways 4 to 4! feet. Raise the arms sideways in line with the
shoulders, palms down. (Plate 3)
3· Tum the right foot sideways 90 degrees to the right and the left
foot 6o degrees to the right, keeping the left leg stretched out and
tightened at the knee. Bend the right leg at the knee until the thigh
and the calf form a right angle and the right thigh is parallel to the