70 Lt"ght on Yoga
is told by Kalidasa in his great poem Kumiira sambhava (The Birth
of the War-Lord). '
This asana is dedicated to the powerful hero created by Siva from
his matted hair.
I. Stand in Ta<;fasana. (Plate I)
- Raise both arms above the head; stretch up and join the palms.
(Plate I2)
3· Take a deep inhalation and with a
jump spread the legs apart side
ways 4 to 4� fe et.
4· Exhale, turn to the right. Simultaneously turn the right foot
90 degrees to the right and the left foot slightly to the right. (Plate
I 3·) Flex the right knee till the right thigh is parallel to the floor and
the right shin perpendicular to the floor, forming a right angle
between the right thigh and the right calf. The bent knee should not
extend beyond the ankle, but should be in line with the heel.
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