Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 71
5· Stretch out the left leg and tighten at the knee.

  1. The face, chest and right knee should face the same way as the
    right foot, as illustrated. Throw the head up, stretch the spine from
    the coccyx and gaze at the joined palms. (Plate 14)


7· Hold the pose from 20 seconds to half a minute with normal

  1. Repeat on the left side as in positions 4 to 6, reversing all processes.

9· Exhale and jump back to Ta<;fasana. (Plate 1)
***All standing poses are strenuous, this pose in particular. It
should not be tried by persons with a weak heart. Even people who
are fairly strong should not stay long in this asana.

In this pose the chest is fully expanded and this helps deep breathing.
It relieves stiffness .in shoulders and back, tones up the ankles and
knees and cures stiffness of the neck. It also reduces fat round the
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