Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 73
9· Inhale, again come back to position 2. Exhale and jump back to
Tadasana. (Plate r)
Through this pose the leg muscles become shapely and stronger. It
relieves cramp in the calf and thigh muscles, brings elasticity to the
leg and back muscles and also tones the abdominal organs.
Mastery of the standing poses prepares the pupil for the advanced
poses in forward bending, which can then be acquired with ease.
9· Vzrabhadrasana III Five* (Plate 17)
This posture is an intensified continuation of Virabhadrasana I. (Plate
r. Stand in Ta9asana. (Plate x)
- Take a deep inhalation and with a jump spread the legs apart side
ways 4 to 4� feet. (Plate 3)
3· Come to the final pose of Vi'rabhadrasana I on the right side.
(Plate 14)
4· Exhale, bend the trunk forward and rest the chest on the right
thigh. Keep the arms straight and the palms together. (Plate r6.) Rest
in this position, taking two breaths.
5· Now exhale and simultaneously lift the left leg from the floor by
swinging the body slightly forward and also straighten the right leg,
making it stiff as a poker. Turn the left leg inwards so that the front
is parallel to the floor. (Plate 17)