Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 75

  1. Stand in Ta<Jasana (Plate 1) and then do Utthita TrikoJ?.asana,
    (Plate 4), following the technique described earlier.

  2. After attaining TrikoJ?.asana on the right side, exhale and place the
    right palm about a foot away from the right foot by bending the right
    knee and at the same time bringing the left foot near the right one.
    (Plate 18)

3· Wait in this position and take two breaths. Then exhale and raise
the left leg from the floor, toes pointing up. Stretch the right hand
and the right leg.
4· Place the left palm over the left hip and stretch up, keeping the
shoulders well up. Turn the chest to the left and balance. (Plate 19)

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