84 Light on Yoga
Do not throw the body weight on the head. Both fe et, both palms and
the head should be in a straight line.
- Stay in the pose for half a minute, breathing deeply and evenly.
- Inhale, raise the head from the floor and straighten the arms at
the elbows. Keep the head well up by making the back concave as
in position 4· (Plate 30)
8. Exhale and stand as in position 2. (Plate 29)
9· Jump back to Tadasana. (Plate I)
- Prasarita Padottanasana II Four* (Plates 35 and 36)
This is an advanced movement of the earlier pose. Here the hands
are placed on the waist instead of on the floor (Plate 35), or are folded
at the back as if one is doing 'namaste' behind the back (Plate 36) as
described in Parsvottanasana. (Plate 26.) In this movement the leg
stretch is intensified.