Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
88 Light on Yoga

5· Contract the buttocks and stretch the dorsal and the coccyx regions
of the spine still further, keeping the neck stretched back. (Plate 41)


  1. Remain in this position for about half a minute with normal
    7· Release the hands one by one and rest them on the hips. (Plate 40.)
    Then sit on the floor and relax.

People with drooping shoulders and hunched backs will benefit by this
as ana.
The whole spine is stretched back and is toned. This pose can be
tried conveniently by the elderly and even by persons with spinal

17· Utkafasana Two* (Plate 42)
Utka!a means powerful, fierce, uneven. This asana is like sitting on an
imaginary chair.

I. Stand in Ta<;lasana (Plate I), stretch the arms straight over the
head and join the palms. (Plate 12)

  1. Exhale, bend the knees and lower the trunk till the thighs are parallel
    to the floor. (Plate 42)

  2. Do not stoop forward, but keep the chest as far back as possible
    and breathe normally.

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