- Padahastasana Six* (Plate 46)
Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 91
Pada means the fo ot. Hasta means the hand. This posture is done by
bending fo rward and standing on one's hands.
- Stand �n Ta<;iasana. (Plate 1.) Spread the legs a foot apart.
- Exhale, bend forward and without bending the legs at the knees
insert the hands under the fe et so that the palms touch the soles.
(Plate 45)
3· Keep the head up and make the back as concave as possible. Do
not slacken the grip at the knees and take a few breaths in this position.
4· Now exhale, and move the head in between the knees by bending
the elbows and pulling the feet up from the palms. (Plate 46.) Stay in
the pose for about 20 seconds with normal breathing..
5· Inhale, raise the head and come back to position 2 (Plate 45), with
the head well up. Take two breaths.
- Inhale, stand up and return to Ta<;fasana. (Plate 1)