Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
92 Light on Yoga

Effects of PadanguHhruana and Padahastasana
The second asana is more strenuous than the first, but the effects of
both are the same. The abdominal organs are toned and digestive
juices increase, while the liver and spleen are activated. Persons suffer­
ing from a bloating sensation in the abdomen or from gastric troubles
will benefit by practising these two asanas.
Slipped spinal discs can only be adjusted in the concave back
position as in Plates 43 and 45· Do not bring the head in between the
knees if you have a displaced disc. I have experimented with persons
suffering from slipped discs and the concave back position proved a boon
to them. It is imperative to get guidance from a guru (master) before
trying this pose, because it may not be possible to achieve the concave
back position immediately. One has to master other minor poses before
attempting this one.

  1. Uttanasana Eight* (Plate 48)
    Ut is a particle indicating deliberation, intensity. The verb tan means
    to stretch, extend, lengthen out. In this asana, the spine is given a
    deliberate and an intense stretch.

r. Stand in Ta<;Iasana (Plate I), keeping the knees tight.

  1. Exhale, bend forward and place the fingers on the floor. Then place
    the palms on the floor by the side of the fe et, behind the heels. Do
    not bend the legs at the knees. (Plate 47)

3· Try to hold the head up and stretch the spine. Move the hips a
little forward towards the head so as to bring the legs perpendicular
to the floor.

4· Remain in this position and take two deep breaths.
5· Exhale, move the trunk closer to the legs and rest the head on the
knees. (Plate 48)

  1. Do not slacken the grip at the knees, but pull the knee-caps well
    up. Hold this position for a minute with deep and even breathing.

7· Inhale and raise the head from the knees, but without lifting the
palms from the floor. (Plate 47)

  1. After two breaths, take a deep inhalation, lift the hands from the
    floor and come back to Ta<;Iasana. (Plate I)

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