Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kr£ya 93
This asana cures stomach pains and tones the liver, the spleen and
the kidneys. It also relieves stomach pain during menstrual periods.
The heart beats are slowed down and the spinal nerves rejuvenated.
Any depression felt in the mind is removed if one holds the pose for
two minutes or more. The posture is a boon to people who get excited
quickly, as ir soothes the brain cells. After finishing the asana, one feels
calm and cool, the eyes start to glow and the mind feels at peace.
Persons who fe el heaviness in the head, flushing or any discomfort
while attempting Si'rsasana (Plate 184), should do Uttanasana first;
then they will be abl� to do Si' r�asana (the head stand) with comfort
and ease.
- Urdhva Prasar£ta Ekapadasana Six* (Plate 49)
Urdhva means upright, above, high. Prasarita means extended,
stretched out. Eka means one, pada means the foot. This posture is
done by standing on one leg, bending forward and lifting the other
leg high up.