Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
94 Light on Yoga

I. Stand in Tac;Iasana. (Plate r)

  1. Exhale and bend the trunk forward. With the left hand catch the back
    of the right ankle. Rest the right hand on the floor by the side of the right
    foot and the head or the chin on the right knee.
    3· Lift the left leg as high up in the air as possible. Tighten both knees.
    Keep the toes of the lifted leg pointed upwards. The legs should remain
    straight so that the toes point straight ahead and do not tilt sideways.
    (Plate 49)


4· Stay in the pose for about 20 seconds, with even breathing. Inhale,
bring the left leg down to the ground and come back to Ta�asana.
(Plate 1)

5· Repeat the pose on the other side, keeping the left leg on the ground
and the right leg up in the air. Stay in the pose for the same length of
time on both sides.


This asana tones the leg muscles and reduces fat around the hips.

  1. Ardha Baddha Padmottcmasana Nine* (Plate 52)
    Ardha means half. Baddha means bound, restrained, caught, withheld.
    Padma is a lotus. Uttana is an intense stretch.

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