98 Light on Yoga
- Vatayanasana Eleven* (Plate 58)
Vatayana means a horse. The pose resembles a horse's face hence the
Te chnique
- Sit on the floor, and place the left foot at the root of the right thigh
in half Padmasana. - Place the hands on the floor by the side of the hips. Exhale, raise
the trunk off the floor and place the top of the left knee on the floor.
Place the right foot near the bent left knee and keep the right thigh
parallel to the floor. (Plate 57)
3· Stretch the pelvis forward, keep the left thigh perpendicular to the
floor, raise the hands, straighten the back and balance the body. Do not
stoop forward while maintaining the balance, but keep the back erect.
4· Bend the elbows and raise the arms to the level of the chest. Place the
back of the upper right arm near the elbow on the front of the upper
left arm above the elbow joint. Entwine the forearms round one another
and join the palms. Hold this position for about 30 seconds with normal
breathing. (Front view: Plate 58. Side view: Plate 59)
5· Release the arms, sit on the floor and straighten the legs.