sharp. I propose that we use consensus to decide. However, if by
9:45 we have not come to consensus, then it will become a con
sult decision. I will use your input, and I will decide."
This strategy allows you to try for the optimum decision-mak
ing method, but it leaves you a back door without making you
look like a despot when time runs out.
Now let's take a look at the final step. You've engaged in healthy
dialogue, filled the pool of meaning, decided how you're going
to draw from the pool, and eventually come to some decisions.
It's time to do something. Some of the items may have been
completely resolved during the discussion, but many may
require a person or team to do something. You'll have to make
ass ignmen ts.
As you might suspect, when you're involved with two or more
people, there's a chance that there will be some confusion. To
avoid common traps, make sure you consider the following four
- Who?
- Does what?
- By when?
- How will you follow up?
To quote an English proverb, "Everybody's business is nobody's
business." If you don't make an actual assignment to an actual
person, there's a good chance that nothing will ever come of all
the work you've gone through to make a decision.