Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

(ff) #1


  • Masking consists of understating or selectively showing our
    true opinions. Sarcasm, sugarcoating, and couching are some
    of the more popular forms.
    "J think your idea is, uh, brilliant. Yeah, that's it. J just worry
    that others won't catch the subtle nuances. Some ideas come
    before their time, so expect some, uh, minor resistance. "
    Meaning: Your idea is insane, and people will fight it with their
    last breath.
    "Oh yeah, that'll work like a charm. Offer people a discount,
    and they'll drive all the way across town just to save six cents
    on a box of soap. Where do you come up with this stuff?"
    Meaning: What a dumb idea.

  • Avoiding involves steering completely away from senSItIve
    subjects. We talk, but without addressing the real issues.
    "How does your new suit look? Well, you know that blue's my
    fa vorite color. "
    Meaning: What happened? Did you buy your clothes at the
    "Speaking of ideas fo r cost cutting-did you see Friends last
    night? Joey inherited a bunch of money and was buying stu­
    pid stuff. It was a hoot. "
    Meaning: Let's not talk about how to cut costs. It always leads
    to a fight.

  • Withdrawing means pulling out of a conversation altogether.
    We either exit the conversation or exit the room.
    "Excuse me. I've got to take this call. "
    Meaning: I'd rather gnaw off my own arm than spend one
    more minute in this useless meeting.

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