A Student's Introduction to English Grammar

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158 Chapter 8 Negation and related phenomena


1. Are the following clauses grammatically
positive or negative? Give evidence for
your answers.
i Yo u're so negative I want to strangle
ii I disagree with all of you.
iii They're always complaining about
things of no importance at all.
iv I can do nothing to help you.
v Never befo re had they offe red such
good terms.
vi That's absolute nonsense, you brainless
vii We finished the job in no time.
viii Everybody hates lying, mealy-mouthed,
pontificating little weasels like you.
ix We can 't just not answer their letter.
x There's hardly any chance of them
changing their mind.

  1. The following examples have non-verbal

clausal negation; construct equivalent
examples with verbal negation.
i He had told neither the boss nor her
ii They were impressed by none of the
iii We have nowhere to hide.
iv I saw no one on the road.
v We 're taking neither of them with us.

  1. Discuss the difference in meaning between
    the following:
    i He had read a fe w books on the
    ii He had read fe w books on the subject.

  2. For each of the following words or expres­
    sions, construct one example where it
    behaves as a non-affirmative item and
    one where it is not polarity-sensitive:
    [i] anything; [ii] kick the bucket; [iii] need
    (verb); [iv] whatever; [v] yet.

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