A Student's Introduction to English Grammar

(backadmin) #1

  1. Classify the following according to clause
    type, and say what kind of speech act they
    would most likely be used to perfonn.
    i Please tum the light on.
    ii I advise you to accept their offe r.
    iii I advised her to accept their offe r.
    iv Can you close that door please.
    v Yo u're leaving already?
    vi Where shall I put my coat?
    vii What a senseless waste of human life it
    viii Have a nice day.
    ix Aren 't we lucky!
    x Allow me to congratulate you.

  2. Fonn open interrogatives from the follow­
    ing declaratives, replacing the underlined
    phrase with a corresponding interrogative
    phrase such as who, what, when, etc.
    i She said something to them.
    ii Someone has taken my umbrella.
    iii He sold his car to someone.
    iv He thinks they 'll appoint someone.
    v They left early fo r some reason.
    vi Yo u told her I was going somewhere.
    vii Yo u first suspected he was the
    murderer at some time.
    viii Things have changed fo r you �
    way since last year.
    ix Yo u think someone has the most
    influence with these people.
    x We can get somebody to clear up this

  3. Attach the proper reverse polarity tags to
    the following declaratives.
    i Yo u don 't know where to put it.
    ii She believes everything you say.

Exercises 173

iii Everyone thought it was impossible.
iv They used to live in Baltimore.
v There is no future fo r us.

  1. Interrogative tags can also be attached to
    imperative clauses, as in Don't tell anyone,
    will you? What tags could naturally be
    added to the following? (Where both
    reversed and constant polarity tags can be
    used, give them both, and comment on any
    difference between them.)
    i Give this letter to Angela.
    ii Don't show the letter to Angela.
    iii Ta ke your fe et off the sofa.
    iv Let's take a break.
    v Let's not waste any more time.

  2. The following clauses are given without
    any final punctuation mark to avoid preju­
    dicing things, so they don't confonn to
    nonnal written English. For each one, say
    whether it is (a) an open interrogative;
    (b) an exclamative; or (c) ambiguous
    between open interrogative and exclamative.
    If your answer is (a) or (b), explain what
    grammatical factors make the clause unam­
    biguous. If your answer is (c), comment on
    the difference in meaning.
    i Who thinks it was awesome
    ii How much remains to be done
    iii How did you convince them
    iv What a disappointment it was
    v How oft en have I told you to lock up
    vi What idiot devised this plan
    vii Who cares about your stupid project
    viii What kind of fo ol do you take me fo r
    ix How geeky I look in that propeller hat
    x Why don 't you give them a chance

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