A Student's Introduction to English Grammar

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28 Chapter 2 A rapid overview

v One of her daughters is training to be a

  1. The underlined expressions in the following
    examples are all NPs. State the function of
    each one (either subject or direct object or
    predicative complement).
    i I've just seen your fa ther.
    ii The old lady lived alone.
    iii Sue wrote that editorial.
    iv She 's the editor ofthe local paper.
    v It sounds a promising idea to me.

  2. Assign each word in the following examples
    to one of the part-of-speech categories: noun
    (N), verb (V), adjective (Adj), determina­
    tive (D), adverb (Adv), preposition (Prep),
    subordinator (Sub), coordinator (Co).
    i She lives in Moscow.
    ii The dog was barking.
    iii Sue and Ed walked to the park.
    iv I met some friends of the new boss.
    v We know that these things are extremely

  3. Construct a plausible-sounding, grammati­
    cal sentence that uses at least one word

from each of the eight categories listed in
the previous exercise (and in [7] in the text
of this chapter).

  1. Is it possible to make up an eight-word
    sentence that contains exactly ONE word of
    each category? If it is, do it; if not, explain

  2. Classify the underlined clauses below as
    canonical or non-canonical. For the non­
    canonical ones, say which non-canonical
    clause category or categories they belong
    i Most Q,fus en joyed it very much.
    ii Have you seen To m recently?
    iii He tends to exag"rate.
    iv Who said she was ill?
    v I've never seen anything like it.
    vi They invited me, but I couldn 't go.
    vii This house was built by my
    viii It's a pity you live so fa r away.
    ix I'm sure she likes you.
    x Te ll me what you want.

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